What should Australia do in the coming recession?

There is one hell of a recession coming for Australia. Economic activity has already reduced by 20% and actual unemployment will probably peak near 20% too, and about a million businesses have already applied for some sort of assistance. The population increase of the last 20 years has come to an abrupt halt, from an increase of a quarter of a million per year, to a decrease this year that can easily be half a million.

Even if countries stop their lock downs and gradually return to some semblance of economic policy sanity, there are three economic shocks Australia cannot avoid, and a fourth one its politicians must work hard to avoid:

  1. A shock to commodity prices and profits. Oil prices have more than halved and coal prices are down 30% from last year. These prices should be expected to remain low given the huge reduction in international demand and the build up of stock piles. What that for instance does is make shall oil and gas exploration in Australia uneconomical. It greatly reduces profits to mining companies, and negatively affects pensions which have invested heavily in commodities.
  2. A shock to tourism, business trips, and foreign students. This year, the tourists and traveling business people will stay away because they are not allowed to fly in. Ditto for many students. The hospitality, business travel, and student market should be expected to tank for several years because there is now less money for long-distance travel and high-priced university degrees. Also, China and India, which are the two biggest suppliers of foreign students, are going through their own down turn and are quite likely to try and reduce the number of students and business travelers going to Australia, keeping them in their own countries.
  3. A shock to the property market via a reduction in population coupled with a glut in accommodations coming onto the market anyway. The property boom is effectively over and seems unlikely to re-start for years.
  4. A shock to the trade relations with China. This one depends on whether the American lobby can be prevented from forcing Australia to sever the ties.


One should not underestimate the size of these shocks. They herald a major downturn in the biggest export industries and in the major sources of growth of the last 20 years. Let us look at the implications for foreign policy, education, macro-economic policy, and taxation.

Finance seems unlikely to be part of the solution since the boom in finance floated on the boom in the property market, the glut of new migrants coming to buy things and park their money, and the commodities boom.

Shipping and transport in general will take a huge knock as well, as the markets they served will go through a large recession too.

One other main industry in Australia, the bullshit industry, should also be expected to experience a huge crash. Flattery is a luxury good and hence suffers more as an industry in a recession than other industries. One should thus expect there to be no more money for all these vacuous business degree people occupying marketing, management, HR, and the many other protective layers of flattery and bullying around the CEOs. This quite enormous bullshit industry, employing millions, was always a form of hidden unemployment in Australia and now that the cash-cows paying for them are drying up, one should expect them out of a job soon. Put simply, the demand for motivational TED-talks and strategic retreats should be expected to dive close to zero right now, and remain there for several years.

Perhaps the more interesting question is what economic sectors apart from agriculture remain healthy and have growth potential the coming years? The landscape looks bleak on this point.

I can’t really see a clear growth market, apart from industries that are somewhat small at the moment, such as medical apps and devices, or the online gambling and gaming industries. They can grow, but they start from a low base. True, there are a lot of programmers in Australia that might be picked up by industries that are still small at the moment. However, the small competitive industries cant be expected to quickly absorb millions from other sectors.

So to be blunt, the party is over. What is then smart economic management?

It has been said that the government should stimulate demand beyond the lock down period. I am not so sure about that, because that is treating the shocks as if it’s a temporary demand shock. Yet, internal demand cannot compensate for foreign demand and so this shock must also be seen as a productivity shock in the sense that many activities previously supplied by Australians are no longer worth much. Such productivity shocks need restructuring. The government can postpone some restructuring by freezing a lot of jobs, but it is then postponing the inevitable by keeping jobs alive that no longer make sense. Freezing some marginal jobs probably makes sense, but the shock has really made lots of jobs totally useless and you should not want to keep those in place.

One alternative is for the government to create a lot of jobs by doing things that make sense anyway, like the New Deal programs of the 1930s, and like South Korea is already announcing. One idea is to massively expand solar energy. Another is to build a lot of extra infrastructure and to truly take up plans to green the deserts in the interior by pumping desalinated water to them. Such infrastructure projects needs a lot of construction, with pipes, dams, canals, and whatnot, and they make environmental sense.

So now is a good time for large projects with a long-term environmental bent to emerge. The beautification of the cities. Creating lots more reefs via, for instance, sinking lots of superfluous ships in the right places. That sort of thing. Similarly, now is the time to expand adult training in new IT technology.

The big macro-political issue is the fact that China is the biggest trading partner, but militarily and culturally Australia is tied to the US. For quite a while now, the US lobby has been targeting Australia’s economic ties with China. Understandably, Australian politicians have tried to have the best of both worlds by going along with the rhetoric of the American lobby whilst not disrupting trade with China. The big unknown is whether that can be kept up.

The uncertain element here is how the Americans are going to get over the corona crisis. Are they going to get very anti-China or not? If they do, you can virtually guarantee they will force Australia to break its ties with China, which Australia will simply have to comply with given how there are large US bases on its soil, and a totally integrated military and media. Yet, if the Americans decide one major shock is more than enough for a while and thus play nice with the Chinese, then that will make a big difference for the Australian economy as Chinese students, tourists, commodity buyers, and businessmen will then come flooding back in soon enough.

Managing the relationships with the Americans and the Chinese well is probably the best thing the Australian government can do for the economy. If China gets too pissed off, it will simply sever the economic ties with Australia, preventing students, tourists, and businessmen from going to Australia. If the Americans get too pissed off, they will do really nasty things to the Australian politicians they perceive are not toeing the line.

In the medium run, the basic game played by the economic elites of Australia in the last 20 years now seem to have come to an abrupt and unexpected end. The property game is over. Mining is marginalised. The foreign student gig is probably largely over, at least for a few years. Finance is similarly a much less lucrative game.

One should not expect the elites to just accept this and quickly orient Australia towards something else, like a high-skill strategy. Such things take time and elites usually resist any deep restructuring that threatens their existing political base. They tend to be nudged more by unfavourable election results and failed attempts at resuscitating the corpse. Yet, individual states can move in new directions much quicker. Victoria and New South Wales, for instance, with no mining to speak of and their property booms coming to a sudden end, might well reorient their economy relatively fast.

There are other issues that will come to a head due to this recession. One is the collapse of the tax base. In recent decades, much of big business and the elites have managed to avoid taxes, which have increasingly been on the middle classes. That cannot be sustained, so some of those who managed to get away with no taxes are going to have to be brought to heel. That is foremost a political fight and it will be ugly. Who are the elites going to tax a whole lot more? Property owners, banks, miners, foreign internet companies, the medical specialists, firms that are registered in tax havens? You can just imagine the political fights coming on this point.

There will have to be cuts in public services too, and the states are also going to have to renege on many of the promises they have made to Mates, such as via guaranteed profits for infrastructure projects. That will be ugly as well.

So the recession will come with one hell of a political fight.

Longer-term, Australia still has a lot going for it. It is looking good for solar and all you can do with the sun. It is looking good for high-end tourism. It is looking good for more agriculture, particularly if it can get desalination massively ramped up. It is looking good for many high-tech industries once it sheds the low-quality orientation in education that came with foreign students who couldn’t speak English, and skilled migrants who had the tech skills anyway. Commodities and finance will probably also find growth niches again after a few years. Etc. No need to panic too much.

In the long-run, Australia is still fine, with or without the Chinese market, but the next 5-10 years is now looking like a painful period of restructuring.

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derrida derider
derrida derider
4 years ago

A fair analysis. We were already in a vulnerable place before coronavirusare, and in fact would have now been in deep shit even if we hadn’t done this damaging lockdown. I reckon people are about to find out that there is one thing worse than living in a small open economy, and that’s living in a small closed economy. And closed or open, we are going to be bullied by the big boys – “when elephants fight ants get trampled”.

As usual, our elites will remain oblivious to he way the world is changing. As they did during the decay of the British empire, they will instinctively talk ever more of “loyalty” – that is, pinning our future ever more tightly to a decaying empire. One bright spot, though, is how quick and flexible they were to get rid of the simplistic “balanced budget” garbage.

I think you’re also right that long term things will be better – its only the next few years that will be painful. It’s not just solar electricity that will drive things on. Having finally got rid of our US-satellite legacy car manufacturing we are now poised to get full benefit from the transport revolution that is now clearly in sight – if we are smart enough to see it coming.

I am and will always be Not Trampis
I am and will always be Not Trampis
4 years ago

really interesting.

I have a lot of concerns about this depression. ( I was told at Uni a depression is a fall in output of 10% or more).
Long term
Will people react to this as they did to the Depression where frugality and thrift superseded everything?

Things will not return to ‘normal’ until there is a vaccine.
Until then a recovery will be mixed.
Supply chains are still stuffed.
consumption will be determined by confidence in leaders.
Various sectors have learned a bitter lesson about saving for a rainy day only this time it was a snowstorm.
both households and corporations will need to build up cash reserves

and just remember unemployment takes a long time to fall.

That is not taking into account geo-political events nor whether globalisation changes or not.

I do fear protection will dominate both here and overseas after this.

John R Walker
4 years ago

Paul another area that has not yet got attention is bricks and mortar main street retail pays directly or indirectly a lot of LG rates and in areas that were developed decades ago almost certainly pay a good deal more than the actual costs of delivery of water and removal of waste etc.
The long steady decline of bricks and mortar retail surely will go through the roof in the next few years. Increasing the rates due on households would not be popular.
Expect we will be hearing from Local Governments before too long.

I am and will always be Not Trampis
I am and will always be Not Trampis
4 years ago

Three more points.
Two domestic.
Because the Liberals are superior economic mangers they will undoubtedly go too hard and too fast on fiscal consolidation.
In this the lesson of Wayne Swan is almost unknown. in the last budget he had control for his budget was easily the most austere budget in the history of data we have, It caused a drop of 0.9 percentage to GDP Most budgets ADD 0.8 percentage points to GDP. The next budget will add a stupendous amount to GDP.
However they have two more budgets before the next election and are odds on to stuff it up.

The next is how to finance these large deficits. Me thinks the general populace will look for everyone to sacrifice to pay the debt off. Tax rorts like imputation tax credits and negative gearing ( which simply boosts speculation) will be viewed through a different lens even by people who did not know about either last election
Talking about tax cuts when you have record debt will seem strange if not even stupid.

Lastly we are seeing the baton about to change from the USA to China as the world’s leader.
This time around we won’t have a symbol like the Washington treaty to confirm it.
It may take longer as de-globalisation impacts.
finally It is unusual for a world leader not to have the most powerful armed forces in the world and thus be the world’s policeman.

As Mr Spock would say fascinating

derrida derider
derrida derider
4 years ago

The next is how to finance these large deficits.

Print money; if I was buying shares for the recovery I’d buy them in banks.

All the pressure on prices will be downwards (because of low consumer spending, a long pause in immigration and terrible prices for our exports) so there is zero risk of painfully large inflation. Abenomics works in those circumstances.

Circumstances are utterly different from past commodity booms in Oz, with their inflationary impetus. They were different even before the lockdown. As I said, the real danger is the shortsightedness of our rent seeking and reactionary elites, for whom the US empire still dictates all the rules of the game. You’ve only got to see the enthusiasm with which they have supported Trump’s (purely domestic political) China bashing, directly contra our own national interest.

I am and will always be Not Trampis
I am and will always be Not Trampis
4 years ago

printing money is only short term surely.

I cannot see the RBA printing money by the time of the next election.

They may need to discard their inflation target for some time as well.

Nicholas Gruen
4 years ago

If the population is declining by half a million, where’s everyone going?

paul frijters
paul frijters
4 years ago
Reply to  Nicholas Gruen

I linked to a nice piece on the issue by someone who clearly knows a lot about how the statistics are put together. Basically the decline might come if temporary migrants without a job go back to their home countries. There are rather a lot of those. On the other hand, Australians elsewhere without a job might return.

There are probably less of those.

Note hence I am talking about people living in Australia, not the number of citizens.

I am and will always be Not Trampis
I am and will always be Not Trampis
4 years ago

would not students be part of it?