Cultural Critique Democracy Indigenous Inequality Journalism Law Libertarian Musings Politics - national Print media Race and indigenous Uncategorized The Drew Pavlou case: business with China versus the American lobby Paul Frijters May 10, 2020May 12, 2020 In a week from now, UQ student leader Drew Pavlou will face an internal hearing at the University of Queensland to decide whether or not...
Cultural Critique Democracy Economics and public policy Information Web and Government 2.0 Info-philanthropy: a small cost for a big benefit Nicholas Gruen May 5, 2020May 7, 2020 As part of the Government 2.0 Taskforce in 2009 I coined the term 'info-philanthropy' though someone may have coined it before me and the Taskforce...
Cultural Critique Ethics Philosophy Political theory Altruism comes from a model – the virtues from life Nicholas Gruen May 2, 2020January 3, 2021 Models, windows, reductionism and pluralism We’re familiar with the idea that thought creates ‘models’ of reality. So it’s easy to slip into thinking that our...