This June I was approached by Yuan Yuan Liu who wanted to discuss funding of scholarships for disadvantaged people with me “as you are the best economist in the country”. This is precisely the kind of shocking lapse of judgement that I’ve been trying to encourage for years – however unsuccessfully. So naturally enough I picked up the phone.
In any event, YY is doing a wonderful thing which is raising money to help people get a university education who might not otherwise. I said I couldn’t help her with any policy ideas – and even if I could there would be the matter of getting someone to respond to them. But I’d be happy to help her with her fundraising.
She’s fund raising now so I said I’d help out by publicising her efforts here and on Twitter. She’s running a raffle, but I suggested that I also help out by proposing that people make direct donations to her initiative which, being run in collaboration with ANU is tax deductible. I’m also matching any donations you make to her cause (at least until I get to forking out $2,500 which should get her to her target). The offer is open for the duration of this week. Here’s what she’s asking in her own words.
My name is YY Liu. I am an ANU alumna. I am raising money to help disadvantaged students to receive education at ANU. Disadvantaged students are under-represented on Australian campuses. They need us to believe in them and assist with their future development. The money raised forms the Poppy Undergraduate Scholarship to help students stay financially stable and have food on the table. Your support is important to these young people who face social, financial and personal obstacles and have the dream to complete their study. You can purchase a ticket in our raffle (Note if you live in VIC or WA and disclose this, to comply with state regulation the site will not accept your purchase.) To make a tax-deductible donation which will be matched by Nicholas Gruen and to read more about the scholarship, please visit this site.