New clobber

As you can see we’ve adopted a new WordPress theme.  Many thanks to our web guru Tony Sarhanis.  What do you think?  I really like it, although I have one reservation.You can’t scroll down the main posts column until the cursor gets to the bottom of the comments column. I suspect that’s a deliberate feature rather than a bug, because it forces the eye to look at the comments first. However, I’m working on boosting our engagement levels in various ways and if that works we’ll start getting lots more comments and I would then want to increase the number of comments displayed on the front page.  That would postpone users’ ability to scroll down the posts column even further which I see as problematic.  Apparently there is a Pro version but it only costs $99 so we might install that and see if it helps.  Anyway, thanks again to Tony.  BTW comments on the new design are welcome, even if negative.  We can’t know what our readers think if you don’t tell us.


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Not Trampis
3 months ago

I will probably be the odd man out but I preferred the old clobber.
Remember quality beats quantity

David Walker
3 months ago

Sorry to complain, but for authors this creates a bunch of wrapping problems when inserting images – problems I haven’t yet figured out how to deal with.
Examples: Use a wide screen and open up