Uncategorized To the poorhouse. Go! B Model Baby May 13, 2004 I began reading newspapers - well one newspaper, The Weekend Australian about a month ago. The world is just as interesting now as it was...
Uncategorized Yet another angle on Iraq B Model Baby April 27, 2004 I can tell a kind of story that no-one else can tell. Because I can move around I get to see the true nature of...
Life Warm and Fuzzy B Model Baby April 17, 2004 Feeling Warm and Fuzzy "Bang" "No!" "bang" "Stop" "bangbang" I roll up, curl up and laugh - with relief - because she did stop -...
Life Prismatic personas B Model Baby April 13, 2004 In an October 1999 article in the New Statesman, published before the new generation of Web logs, Andrew Brown described the anarchic nature of blogs...
Life Payback B Model Baby April 7, 2004 Let me tell you about my Mr Parish. The one you have here in what you call the blogosphere is stunningly sane. Mr Parish has...