Climate Change Economics and public policy Politics - national The Audit Office, ‘Pink Batts’, Venality and Perfidy Tony Harris October 20, 2010October 20, 2010 Tony Harris's AFR column from a few weeks ago. (posted by Nicholas G on Tony's account.) The Australian National Audit Office last week reported on...
Economics and public policy Politics - national Thoughts on the election Tony Harris August 24, 2010August 24, 2010 From today's Fin: “He [Tony Abbott] has undermined and potentially destroyed a first-term Labor government.” This eulogy to Abbott from former prime minister, John Howard,...
Economics and public policy Warwick McKibbin’s comments on fiscal policy Tony Harris July 2, 2010 From my recent Fin Column. Recent articles in the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age - sister publications of the AFR - told us that...
Economics and public policy Education Samuelson’s Progress 1948 – 1995 Tony Harris December 17, 2009 This is a survey of the treatment of selected themes in the famous textbook from the first edition in 1948 to the last in 1995....
Economics and public policy History Political theory Terror Uncategorised Paul Samuelson 1915-2009 Tony Harris December 15, 2009 How will Paul Samuelson be remembered? This is the positive side of the story, the glowing record of the Nobel Laureate and author of the...
Economics and public policy Education Food Life Sport - Rugby League Terror Shaking and Stirring, the basket weavers strike back Tony Harris December 8, 2009December 8, 2009 Balmain is not just the city of basket weavers it is also a place to find thinking drinkers and binge thinkers. Put this in your...
Economics and public policy Society How the poor are doing better in the US Tony Harris November 30, 2009November 30, 2009 Steve Horwitz at The Austrian Economists is running a series of posts to show how the poor in the US have become better off over...