Sport - rugby Uncategorised Ground control to Rugby League Union Wayne Wood September 4, 2006September 4, 2006 Interesting article in SMH wth which I agree. Especially this part. Yet this bedrock of the game - the Sydney and Brisbane club competitions -...
Uncategorized When will we ever learn? Wayne Wood April 25, 2005 Watching a doco about Gallipoli yesterday - was there anything else on? - several exerps from the famous diaries of CEW Bean were read extolling...
Uncategorized Nice one Mick. Wayne Wood April 25, 2005 My accreditation as an Austswim instructor is up for renewal. In order that I may have the privilege of paying an exorbitant sum to register,...
Uncategorized What business are they in? Wayne Wood April 24, 2005 You'd think that we'd have learnt something about land speculation over the last 200 years but in Rum Corps to white- shoe brigade by Jim...
Uncategorized Myanmar or Burma? Wayne Wood April 21, 2005 Otto de Voogd is a Netherlander who has considered the ethical dilemma of traveling in Myanmar. It is impossible to travel to Myanmar without being...
Uncategorized How do they do this? Wayne Wood April 3, 2005 I never cease to be amazed at how, with only a few questions, the quizilla people seem to get it so right. Or perhaps they...
Uncategorized A sad day…. Wayne Wood March 25, 2005 I tried to post this on the most appropriate blog - our host at ubersportingpundit central - but couldn't log in - so you'll have...