Blegs IT and Internet Ultralight laptop bleg 2 Nicholas Gruen February 27, 2008April 2, 2021 I've been in touch with the US vendor of laptops Portableone from whom I purchased a Fujitsu laptop about four years ago. They're a good...
Blegs Beatles and Rolf Harris bleg Nicholas Gruen February 26, 2008 Some loyal Troppodillians might recall a post of mine from the dim dark past celebrating my having downloaded a great track which was the Beatles...
Blegs Media It’s that time of the year again Nicholas Gruen February 19, 2008February 19, 2008 Anyone who wants to participate in Troppo's bulk subscription to Crikey! should email me on nicholas at gruenxxx dot com dot au - and remove...
Blegs Ultralight bleg Nicholas Gruen February 17, 2008 I'm having to do a lot more travel, so I want to buy an ultralight PC. I think I want to buy a Toshiba...
Blegs Can anyone help John Galt? Dr Troppo January 22, 2008January 22, 2008 I am always happy to assist readers in distress. Recently I received this letter. Dear Dr Troppo, Despite a protective screen of refractor rays, my...
Blegs Health Uncategorised Pregnant vegetarian bleg Nicholas Gruen November 9, 2007 Peach's longest serving employee is pregnant! Isn't that good! Well I think so and so does she. But she now has a problem. She's a...