bubble Bullshit Business Climate Change Education Employment Geeky Musings History Humour Immigration and refugees IT and Internet Social Theatre Unseen trends and the society we are becoming. Paul Frijters July 21, 2021July 21, 2021 Societies are evolving and complex, which often makes it hard to see at any moment where things are going. It was thus with the move...
Cultural Critique Dance Death and taxes Democracy Economics and public policy Ethics Geeky Musings History Humour Life Parenting Personal Philosophy Religion Science Social Social Policy Society Pragmatic utilitarianism? Paul Frijters June 30, 2021July 1, 2021 I have been a utilitarian for about 30 years now and am seen in my academic work as an extreme version of the genre. I...
Art and Architecture Dance Death and taxes Economics and public policy Education Geeky Musings Social Vale David Savage, behaviouralist extraordinaire Paul Frijters May 12, 2021May 13, 2021 We lost David Savage this week to a heart attack at the age of 48, leaving a wife Deborah and many colleagues around the world....
Dance Death and taxes Geeky Musings Health Inequality Religion On the nature of gods and inequality. Paul Frijters April 7, 2021April 7, 2021 Sometimes one has an idea that blazes into one's consciousness as a solution to one particular concern, which then starts to be something much bigger...
Coronavirus crisis Cultural Critique Death and taxes Democracy Economics and public policy Geeky Musings Health Humour Politics - international Social Social Policy Are the covid lights going on in the States? Paul Frijters January 26, 2021January 27, 2021 An important rule in politics is that you adopt the best policies and slogans of your opponent only after you have destroyed that opponent. Till...
Coronavirus crisis Cultural Critique Dance Geeky Musings Health History Humour Innovation Libertarian Musings Life Philosophy Politics - international Politics - national Public and Private Goods Social Policy Society Histories of the Great Panic. Paul Frijters November 23, 2020November 25, 2020 How will Western historians in 2050 remember 2020? In scenario 1, "The Great Panic, a lost generation", I sketch my best guess. Scenario 2, "A...
Coronavirus crisis Death and taxes Democracy Geeky Musings Health Information IT and Internet Journalism Law Libertarian Musings Media Parenting Politics - international Politics - national Science How others are organising the Covistance: ideas for those who want to help. Paul Frijters November 2, 2020November 2, 2020 How are we going to escape the authoritarian nightmare and regain our liberties and zest for life? This long read is written for organisers of...