History Another History War skirmish Ken Parish June 30, 2004 I've been relying on historian blogger Christopher Sheil to keep us all informed about any new shots in The History Wars. But he's let me...
History Another odd angry shot Ken Parish October 20, 2003 My personal desire to revisit the History Wars is roughly on a par with my aspiration to experience the joys of lung cancer or leprosy....
History Poor bugger them Ken Parish September 10, 2003 Former ARM President Greg Barns sallies forth into the History Wars today, but only to bemoan their pointless tedium in a way not dissimilar to...
History History Wars Darwin-style Ken Parish September 5, 2003 Windschuttle fan Suzy assails mild-mannered centrist armadillo with Keith's most persuasive argument (click thumbnail image).
History Mea Minima Culpa Ken Parish August 24, 2003 In a hopefully minor aftermath to the Chris versus Norman flamewar of a week or so ago, Christopher Sheil is still upset that I accused...
History Oh Mary, Don’t you Weep! Ken Parish August 24, 2003 Sometimes I find the inspiration for a blog post in the most unlikely places. Earlier this evening I took Jenny out to the after hours...
History Another odd angry shot Ken Parish July 15, 2003 Peripatetic blog commenter Norman Hanscombe fires the latest shot in the "culture wars", with a guest article on Tim Dunlop's blog detailing inaccuracies in Lyndall...