Ask Troppo's Love Gods Chess Climate Change Cultural Critique Dance Death and taxes Democracy Education Environment Ethics Geeky Musings Health History Humour IT and Internet Life Literature Philosophy Politics - international Politics - national Religion Science Social Society Space Terror The logic of the inevitable (nuclear) apocalypse. Can the Gods save us? Paul Frijters January 22, 2019January 22, 2019 The probability of a massive nuclear war the next 10 years between any of the 8 current nuclear powers (US, UK, France, Russia, India, Pakistan,...
Economics and public policy History Literature Adam Smith and Jane Austen: Another take from John Burnheim Nicholas Gruen June 28, 2018June 28, 2018 [caption id="attachment_32229" align="alignright" width="327"] This person wrote a whole book on Jane Austen and Adam Smith without finding my essay on the same subject –...
Cultural Critique Democracy Economics and public policy Education Ethics History Inequality Information Life Literature Philosophy Political theory Politics - international Politics - national Religion Science Social Policy Society Our countries need us. Paul Frijters February 24, 2018 Humanity is at a high point. What our ancestors dreamed of is slowly becoming a reality: a world without hunger in which the vast majority...
Art and Architecture bubble Bullshit Climate Change Cultural Critique Dance Death and taxes Democracy Economics and public policy Education Employment Environment Ethics Films and TV Food Geeky Musings Gender Health History Humour Immigration and refugees Indigenous Inequality Information IT and Internet Journalism Law Libertarian Musings Life Literature Media Medical Metablogging Miscellaneous Music Parenting Personal Philosophy Political theory Politics - international Print media Products Public and Private Goods Race and indigenous regulation Religion Review Science Social Social Policy Society Space Sport-general Startup Terror Theatre Travel Uncategorised Uncategorized WOW! - Amazing Some Game of Thrones Season 8 speculation Paul Frijters September 2, 2017September 4, 2017 Let me indulge, purely for entertainment value, in some fan-speculation on what we will see on-screen after the Long Night is over and the final...
Economics and public policy Ethics Films and TV Literature Media Parenting Patricia Edgar on Children’s TV: Part Two Nicholas Gruen August 22, 2017July 30, 2021 Continued from Part One. The ABC and Children’s Programming - The Highs, Lows and Power-plays Part one here and part two here. The promise of...
Bargains Best From Elsewhere History Literature Philosophy Political theory The last man in Europe: waiting to be read in a bookstore near you! Nicholas Gruen July 31, 2017September 13, 2017 I've known Dennis Glover since we were both staffers in Parliament during the Hawke-Keating years (I was there in 1981, 83-4 and 1991-3 until just...
History Literature Battle: an article by Vance Palmer, Meanjin, 1942 Nicholas Gruen February 15, 2017February 15, 2017 I happened upon this yesterday and thought it might be of interest to readers here. THE next few months may decide not only whether we...