Bargains Coronavirus crisis Dance Death and taxes Democracy Economics and public policy Education Employment Ethics Health History Humour Inequality Isegoria IT and Internet Journalism Law Libertarian Musings Life Literature Media Medical Parenting Philosophy Political theory Politics - international Politics - national Print media Public and Private Goods Religion Review Science Social Social Policy Society Sortition and citizens’ juries Terror Theatre Travel WOW! - Amazing The Great Covid Panic: now out! Paul Frijters September 3, 2021September 9, 2021 It's here, the booklet I am sure you have all been waiting for. The one which Gigi Foster and Michael Baker slaved over for 10...
bubble Bullshit Business Climate Change Education Employment Geeky Musings History Humour Immigration and refugees IT and Internet Social Theatre Unseen trends and the society we are becoming. Paul Frijters July 21, 2021July 21, 2021 Societies are evolving and complex, which often makes it hard to see at any moment where things are going. It was thus with the move...
Business Cultural Critique Democracy History Law Libertarian Musings Political theory Politics - national Social Society Sortition and citizens’ juries Theatre Citizen-jury appointments? Paul Frijters June 24, 2021June 24, 2021 Dear Troppodillians, lend me your critical eye. I ask you to consider the system of citizen-jury appointments I have in mind, and tell me how...
Death and taxes Democracy Economics and public policy Health History Life Philosophy Political theory Politics - international Politics - national Public and Private Goods Science Social Social Policy Society Theatre Book Launch of the Handbook for Wellbeing Policy-Making July 1st Paul Frijters June 16, 2021June 17, 2021 Wellbeing & Policy Making Book Launch Event on 1st July 5-6.30pm London Time. Attending the Launch is Free, the book is not! [blurb from Nancy...
Economics and public policy Life Media Philosophy Political theory Science Social Theatre Uncertainty, Part 1: McGurk Paul Frijters March 23, 2021March 23, 2021 As one the best illustrations of the way our minds deal with uncertainty, consider the following video. Please listen and watch at least 30 seconds...
Coronavirus crisis Cultural Critique Democracy Economics and public policy Education Geeky Musings Health Life Philosophy Politics - national Religion Science Social Policy Society Theatre From being to seeming: why empirical scientists failed in times of Covid. Paul Frijters June 29, 2020November 25, 2023 There have long been scientists who were celebrities in their own time. Galileo, Keppler, Goodall, Linneus, Cousteau, Darwin, Smith, Leeuwenhoek, Da Vinci, Ibn Khaldhun, Curie,...
Coronavirus crisis Cultural Critique Economics and public policy History Life Philosophy Politics - international Politics - national Science Social Society Theatre What kind of crowd are we now seeing? The 5 surprises in this pandemic. Paul Frijters June 17, 2020December 16, 2022 There are 5 aspects of the covid-19 pandemic I really did not see coming, all pointing to a phenomenon that European sociologists of a century...