Constraining infrastructure boondoggles
I was reading an article the other day that I can't now find, by a pollster whose name I can't remember (increasing age is like...
Useable knowledge in the army: The best comment I’ve read in ages
Foreword: I discovered this post - which I'd entirely forgotten about - the other day. It's a cracker, and because I wrote a comment on it, it's received...
Meanwhile while we’re minding our own business here on planet earth . . . Christopher Monckton feels we could benefit from a few thoughts of his . . .
The double blind sector of the economy
Steve Randy Waldman is onto something in this post. In the previous post, I identified government, health care, education, and finance as the “asymmetric information industry”....
Huffing and puffing … but still not getting paid
Last year Mayhill Fowler, one of the Huffington Post's citizen journalists, threatened to stop blogging unless the Post started paying her. After a brief exchange...
John Kay on PPPs (or PFI’s where he comes from)
Tony Blair was a classy politician when it came to the level of political talent he seemed capable of. How sad that like his political...